Telega v0.2 is released

01 February, 2019
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Pavel Kirienko

Telega firmware v0.2 is now available for download from the file server. The firmware can be updated via CAN using the UAVCAN GUI Tool.

Changes from v0.1:

  • Improved stability, especially during rapid acceleration and deceleration.
  • Field weakening (flux weakening); please contact us for setup instructions – official documentation will be released later.
  • Fixed the power-up issue where the device would refuse to boot unless the power supply voltage slope is steep enough.
  • RPM control loop stability improvements.
  • Motor characterization improvements.
  • Faster boot-up – approx. 200 milliseconds from power on to ready to run.
  • Faster and more robust spin-up process.
  • Motor self-test at power-up is not performed by default; can be enabled via ctl.pwron_slftst.
  • Selectable spool-down policy: either controlled braking (default) or immediate power stage deactivation (set ctl.hard_stop).
  • Parameter renamings:
    • m.spup_current_lm.spup_curr_begn
    • m.spup_current_hm.spup_curr_end
    • m.phi_milliweberm.flux_linkage (change of units: milliweber → weber)
    • m.rs_ohmm.resistance
    • m.ld_microhenrym.induct_direct (change of units: microhenry → henry)
    • m.lq_microhenrym.induct_quad (change of units: microhenry → henry)
    • m.eangvel_rampupm.eangvel_accel
    • m.eangvel_rampdnm.eangvel_decel

Read the updated setup guide: Quick start guide for Myxa v0.1.

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