Long-term supply &
Vertical integration

Vehicle manufacturers that leverage our products and technologies have the option to enter into a binding legal contract that guarantees that the required products and services remain available for extended periods of time. Vehicle manufacturers also have an opportunity to license our technologies and know-how for the purpose of building needed parts in-house, increasing the vertical integration and reducing dependency on third-party manufacturers.

Zubax Robotics has an extensive expertise in preparation and execution of related legal contracts, as well as in associated logistic challenges. Please reach out to us to discuss your project.


We perform R&D and mass production of customized parts and units based on our core technologies. Technology customization services offered by Zubax allow vehicle vendors to substantially reduce the product development costs and reduce the time to market.

Our standard technology customization framework typically provides the following options for the customer:

Please reach out to us to discuss the details of your project.