Quick start guide for Myxa

23 March, 2018

Zubax Myxa - robust operation at extremely low speed

17 March, 2018

Zubax Myxa vs ESC32v3 with Tarot MT4008 motor

19 February, 2018

New housing for Myxa

13 February, 2018

Zubax Myxa video

07 February, 2018

Zubax Myxa vs ESC32v3 with Tarot MT4006 motor

05 February, 2018

Myxa vs Orel20 efficiency tests

05 January, 2018

Geenius.ee published an interview about the future of electric propulsion and our role in it

02 January, 2018

Myxa motor controllers are shipping

21 December, 2017
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