
ND500-34V "Sadulli Alakdan" is an integrated drive for unmanned aerial applications that contains a motor and its control electronics in a compact enclosure.

It is an open hardware reference design for Mitochondrik LV. The hardware sources can be found on GitHub:


Motor Propeller diameter [inch] Propeller pitch [inch] Mass [g]
Scorpion MII-4010 17 6.2 193

For low-volume orders, please proceed to the online store. For large orders and long-term supply options, please get in touch.


  • Continuous power: 500 W
  • Supply voltage: 11-34 V (Li-ion 4–8 S)
  • Communication interfaces: UAVCAN & RCPWM
  • Mass: 193 g
  • Two integrated temperature sensors for the motor and the control electronics